About Us

At our core, we are electric vehicle (EV) enthusiasts dedicated to helping accelerate the transition to sustainable energy. We found there is no better way to help increase awareness and convey the undeniable benefits of EVs than to give people an opportunity to experience an EV firsthand. There is a lot of misinformation and disinformation about EVs but whether the discourse is positive or negative, the most effective way to dispel myths and shine light on preconceived ideas is to offer firsthand experiences in a good EV. We therefore encourage everyone to experience a Tesla in person and discover the truth for themselves.

Our Journey

Our journey began with our founder, Pete Petrovsky, a devoted electric vehicle advocate and a longtime EV fan. In 2014, he eagerly put down a $6,000 deposit for a Tesla Model X, but when it finally arrived in Australia with a staggering $200,000+ price tag, he couldn't justify the cost. Instead, undeterred, he decided to wait for the Model 3, placing an order the day it was unveiled. In the meantime, in April 2016, Pete and his wife became a two-EV (PHEV) family by purchasing a Holden Volt and a Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV. In September 2019, Pete finally took delivery of his Model 3 Performance, his first BEV/pure EV. He recollects: “I don’t think I did, but if I had even the faintest reservations, after only a few days, the car removed any doubt whatsoever that pure, battery-only EVs (BEVs) were the future. If I wasn't already an EV enthusiast, I became one, and I felt compelled to spread the word about this important technology with as many people as I could.” Joining the Tesla Owners Club of Western Australia (TOCWA) and being welcomed into an amazing EV community was an incredible experience for Pete. It motivated him to explore better ways to accelerate EV adoption. The "bums in seats" approach, where he allowed friends and even strangers to experience his Model 3 Performance, evolved into an organised, formalised, and structured format. Letting others experience our Teslas has proven to be a powerful catalyst for converting sceptics into EV believers. What particularly appealed to Pete from the outset is that car sharing is a much more sustainable form of car ownership. Every shared car reduces the need to manufacture a new rental car resulting in a smaller environmental footprint. Moreover, most rental car fleets are dominated by internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. Thus, sharing an EV not only avoids the manufacture and operation of another ICE rental car but also contributes to cleaner air, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and decreased dependence on foreign oil. Additionally, the social and economic benefits of EVs are significant. Unlike petrol and diesel, which generate revenues that largely leave Australian shores, the electricity used by EVs is produced domestically, here in Australia. This keeps the jobs, revenue and profits within the local economy rather than supporting oil-exporting countries such as Russia. Considering rental cars typically cover over four times as many kilometres as regular cars, in essence, five shared Teslas has the same health, environmental, economic, energy security and social benefits as the offset of twenty regular internal combustion engine vehicles.

Our values and mission

Exceptional customer service

We strive to meet and exceed expectations by providing exceptional customer service.


With rental cars typically covering over four times as many kilometres as regular cars, in essence, five shared Teslas has the same health, environmental, economic, energy security and social benefits as the offset of twenty regular internal combustion engine vehicles.

Hearts and Minds

Our mission is to win hearts and minds by fighting FUD with facts and by allowing people to form their own informed opinions based on firsthand experience. (FUD is an acronym for fear, uncertainty and doubt)